Friday, October 12, 2007


Part of the application process is to get at least 4 written referrals from the following: a friend, a family member, an employer/co-worker, and a community member/neighbor. We were simply overwhelmed by the number of people who offered to write us a referral, even before we even considered who we wanted to do the official letters. For those of you who were willing to do this, we can only say thank you and that we are so very appreciative.

We did want to specifically thank the people that we did have write referrals for us. Of course, these are in no particular order.

Michael Campbell - Many of you who read this have met Michael at some point in time. For those of you who don't know him, he has been Phil's best friend for nearly 19 years. They met the week before they started college at UTA and have been inseparable ever since. He's always making us laugh with his quick wit and comebacks, but he really is a great listener as well. Thank you Michael for being such a great friend. We know that you will make a great uncle to our child.

Larry & Mollie Mims - Larry & Mollie are Brandon's aunt & uncle (specifically, Mollie is the sister of Brandon's Dad, Lonnie). We have always had such a great time when we hang out with them, especially when it comes to Texas Aggie football games. They have also become part of one of our favorite holiday traditions, which is to go to Cleburne for the Christmas Eve candlelight service at their church, and then head to their house for great food and fun. Guys, we cannot wait for the first Christmas Eve that we bring our new baby to your home.

Lisa Vasquez - Lisa was Brandon's first boss back at her days at the Dallas Chamber of Commerce starting in 2001. Since that time, she and Roger have become such close friends, and Lisa and Brandon still get to work with one another on occasional projects with their respective lines of work. We've been part of each other's weddings, and we have even been there to see them become parents to little Petey (who is a riot). It will be so cool to be able to bring home a playmate for Petey and to watch them go crazy in your swimming pool in the years to come.

Bob Yum - Bob is our neighbor from across the street and he is also our pharmacist. I can tell you that it is SO convenient to have him hand deliver our prescriptions, or for us to drive right up the street to his store to pick them up. But more than that, Bob is such a great neighbor and friend and we are blessed to have met him. We hope that our child doesn't need his services too often, just because that means the baby will be healthy, but it's good to know that if they do, Bob is on the case.

So that's our short tribute to just some of the support our friends and family have already given us. There are many more just like them that we could thank, but I am not sure the internet has enough space for us to lay out that many well wishes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love having you anytime, but especially on Christmas Eve. And yes, having your baby join us will make it even more special. The wait will be worth it!