Thursday, October 4, 2007

2 More Pieces of Great News

1) Brandon and I do NOT have Tuberculosis! Yep, that's right. We are living TB free! For those of you wanting the details, it's quite simple: we have to be checked out by a doctor, and then he submits a report on our health with our application. One of the tests was to see if we had TB, and I am glad to say that we are good to go.

2) Apparently, I was in the military! Another piece of info we have to submit with our application is the medical report for our pets. Not sure exactly why they need this, but I guess it's part of being thorough. So when Brandon got the reports today, I was copying them and glanced down at the names listed as owner. It has a place for Title, you know like Mr or Mrs. Well, my title was Captain. So I will now start signing my name as Captain Phil Rice, and I will expect people to salute me. Or, I may just go by Cap'n, dress up like a sailor and start posing for cereal boxes (Cap'n Crunch, for those who can't figure out who I am talking about).

1 comment:

Aubyn Peach said...

I know you won't be surprised because everything happens to me but I was TB positive about 5 yrs ago and had to go through a govt program to take pills to get rid of it. Also, I will not call you Captain or Cap'n.