Sunday, October 21, 2007

Meeting the Pediatrician

Brandon and I met with a pediatrician that has experience with adopted children from Russia. We went over the list of potential ailments that we would be accepting of in our child. The list included everything from asthma and allergies to spina bifida.

It was a bit overwhelming to review the list and think about the treatments that go along with each one. But the good news is that the pediatrician was great. She helped us to determine what we would be up for, and what we thought would be too much for us to handle.

This process seems a little strange - kind of like we are filling out an order form for a child. But I guess that's just one of the differences in this process vs. having a child on your own. But the great thing about doing all of these things is that while you are filling out paperwork, meeting with doctors, or determining the next step in the process, you think that this is one step closer to what this whole thing is about: getting a child. So I guess in that way, we count ourselves lucky.

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